#The World Ahead#

The world ahead of us is unknown and it’s the way it should be.  None of us know what the future will hold.  We need to look at the past, live in the present, and let the future come to us.  Life might not be good if we knew what was coming.  Since we don’t know, we don’t have to worry and can live in the present.  That doesn’t mean that we should discard the past.  The past is what got us to where we are today.  The past is full of memories.  Memories that we can carry with us as we live today and they can guide us as we travel into the future.

The world ahead of us is waiting for us with open arms.  We should look forward to what lies ahead but we should not be fearful.  The coming future should be welcomed by us as we take our steps into the unknown.  It will only be the unknown until we get there and then it will become fully known and it will be ours.  Our future is waiting for us and we need to go to it willingly.  Our life depends on how we accept our future.  If we accept it with open arms, then it can bring us all of our dreams.

My future lies in my writing and my writing is my future.  I love writing and writing loves me.  I’m changing the world one word at a time.  The books I write are created just for my readers.  I love writing my books and my readers can enjoy reading my books.  They are for my readers.  Each new book I write takes a lot of thought and a lot of work but it’s worth it o deliver a book that my readers can enjoy.

The Terminus List CoverMy new book The Terminus List is a Science Fiction thriller that I am currently working on.  I’m hoping for its completion to be in December 2018 or early 2019.  The story has characters that my readers will fall in love with.  The main character, Judy Vargas (AKA: Judy Johnson) is a business-type woman with a strong leaning towards politics.  The story is being written as I type.  However, enough about my future book.  You can read all about me and my future books on my website.  However, for today, we should be living in the present.  So, while we’re all eagerly awaiting my future books, we can head over to Amazon and read The Trail in the Woods and my other thrilling books, like The Segmented Tail and The Killer Within.

The world ahead is waiting for all of us.  Let’s go to it with an open mind and with open arms.  All of our dreams lie in the future.  Please join me as we go forward, Stan

#Book Launch Ideas#

Book launch ideas are something I want to focus on today.  Every new author and even some older authors usually have questions about how to launch his or her book. I did when I first started writing and trying to sell my books.

Okay, so you’ve written a book and now you’re ready to launch the sales of it.  You want to let the world know about your masterpiece.  What do you do?  I have been through a lot of trials and errors and have come up with eight ideas that have worked for me.  Will they work for you?  Give these eight ideas a try and find out.  Your book debut may surprise yourself.

Eight things to do for a new book launch

1)  Put the book for sale on Amazon.com.

2)  Create a website where you can highlight the book and yourself

3)  Create an author’s Facebook page

4)  Advertise the book on Twitter

5)  Advertise the book on Facebook author’s page

6)  Start writing a blog and write about your book

7)  Create an author’s page on Amazon.com

8)  Make a video of your book and distribute it to social sites

If you do some or all of these eight things, then you will have a good chance at successfully getting your book out for people to see.  So, the first thing you do is write the best book you can write.  Then, make sure that it is edited and ready for readers.  After that, follow my recommended book launch ideas to get your book out for readers.

If you follow these ideas, you should be well on your way to establishing yourself as an author and getting your book well-known.  However, you can’t rest and hope that the world will make you famous.  The book launch is just the beginning.  After the launch, the work begins and must continue for as long as you’re in the writing business.  By the way, writing is a business as you’ll learn.

Good luck with your book launch and your writing career.  Till next time, Stan